Thanks for all attending and participating. If you were there and are interested in posting your perspective and reflections please email -
Each one of the scenarios touched on such major issues it was easy for us to spiral out and talk in depth about the different issues. The role players also had their "internal dialogue" acted out with different people. This was really interesting because it gave voice to the voice inside your head.
Some of this day topics included education, teachers with racist view points, internalized racism, and violence in the black community, historically and last weekend.
We didn't get to do as much role playing as the some people wanted too. We strategized about in the future having a fishbowl - giving time for people of color to speak and white people listening and then also white people speaking with people of color listening.
There is a need to hear people stories - the indepthness that racism effects people from the every day struggles of people of color battling internalized racism and from white people - why they are motivated to be anti-racists and how racism effects them.
So white people, how does racism effect you?
Why are you motivated to do anti-racist work?
Email your stories and we can start a link!
(Lizzie thanks for taking pictures!!)
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