Film called Mothers of Bedford
Saturday November 3
Melwood Screening Room 477 Melwood Ave- North Oakland
"Eighty percent of women in US prisons today are mothers of school-age
children. This unusually compelling documentary is about an issue rarely
reported. We follow five mothers incarcerated at the Bedford Hills
Correctional Facility in NY State as they work to “parent” from behind
bars. Mothers of Bedford is a deeply moving story about these women,
their journey and the staggering power of the mother-child
Film and Discussion
Broken on All Sides
November 4
2 PM
Synod Hall
125 N Craig St- Oakland
Don't miss this film screening sponsored by the Race and Reconciliation Dialogue Group of St. Paul Cathedral.
About the film! The project began as a way to explore, educate about,
and advocate change around the overcrowding of the Philadelphia county
jail system. The documentary has come to focus on mass incarceration
across the nation and the intersection of race and poverty within
criminal justice. With discussion by members of the Human Rights
Coalition and Pennsylvanians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty.
Workshop on Education and Mass Incarceration
Occupy Pitt Teach In Day
November 10
2:30PM-3:30 PM
William Pitt Union
4200 Fifth Ave- Oakland
Human Rights Coalition-Fed Up! Pitt Law Chapter will host a workshop on
the invisible consequences of the state’s solitary confinement units.
The workshop will begin with an introduction on the school-to-prison
pipeline, provide an overview of the unprecedented growth of the prison
population in Pennsylvania the past thirty years, and Corbett’s $665
million prison expansion plan. Also focusing on the corresponding growth
of solitary confinement units in state prisons, their extraordinary
psychological harm, the rampant human rights abuses that occur within
them, and what prisoners, their families and support people, and the
Human Rights Coalition are doing to expose and challenge this.
General Membership and Planning Meeting
Community Coalition for Violence Prevention and Intervention
Thursday November 8
Monumental Baptist Church
2240 Wylie Ave- Hill District
Meeting of coalition of individuals, groups and organizations
responding to the epidemic of urban violence throughout the Allegheny
County/Pittsburgh area. Coalition is coordinating efforts, activities
and programs to reduce violence, educate and raise public awareness
regarding the structural, systemic and cultural roots of violence
emphasizing solutions that promote personal responsibility, community
empowerment and social justice.
Words Without Walls: VOICE CATCH
Community Writing Workshop
Saturdays November 10, 24
Lindsay House
Chatham University
Voice Catch is a public writing workshop collaboration event between
former prisoners at ACJ and Chatham grad students. It is part of Words
without Walls, a creative partnership between graduate students from
Chatham University’s MFA in Creative Writing Program and Allegheny
County Jail (ACJ). Students from Chatham teach creative writing courses
to male and female prisoners at ACJ, organize readings, facilitate
community workshops after release, and publish students' writing in an
annual anthology.
Criminal Justice System Discussion
Focus on Families and Education
Sunday November 18
2:00 PM
Synod Hall
125 N Craig St Oakland
Sponsored by Race and Reconciliation Dialogue Group of St. Paul's Cathedral. Discussion panel is:
Brandi Fisher, chair, Alliance for Police Accountability
Anna Hollis, director, Amachi Pittsburgh
Vincent Nel, retired teacher, Pittsburgh Public Schools
Scilla Wahrhaftig, program director, American Friends Service Committee
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